Touchstone Compliance


How Falling Prey to a Phishing Expedition Puts PHI at Risk

Phishing has become so commonplace, the word has made its way into the dictionary: Phish — to try to obtain financial or other confidential information from Internet users, typically by sending an e-mail that looks as if it is from a legitimate organization, usually a financial institution, but contains a link to a fake website […]

How Falling Prey to a Phishing Expedition Puts PHI at Risk Read More »

Can You Keep a Secret? 9 Tips for Creating Strong Passwords.

The computers in your office are veritable treasure chests of information cyber pirates would love to get their hands on. Only authorized personnel in a practice should have the keys to unlock what’s inside.  Passwords as those keys. They play an important role in protecting Electronic Health Records (EHR) and the vital information those records

Can You Keep a Secret? 9 Tips for Creating Strong Passwords. Read More »